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Basic policies for all events

September 29, 2019

The following are basic policies that all events should have regardless of size. For smaller events, a paragraph or single page may suffice for each of these policies. With increased complexity and larger size, these policies could be several pages to thoroughly cover these topics.


Within our underlying cultural values of peace, love, unity, and respect, is a responsibility to extend these to our home planet as we rely on our planet for our survival. Every event should consider their impact on the environment.


Please reivew EMA "ECO" page for reference on how and why to create eco-policies and what our office policy is.


A health and safety policy should contain:

  • Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) for all phases of the event (Phase 1: planning/pre-production, Phase 2: production, Phase 3: post-production). For small events, a risk assessment and consideration for medical contingency planning may be sufficient although additional consideration should be taken for fire, minor and major incidents, crowd management, transportation management, and artist management. For events that are larger or more complex, event organizers shall create an ESMP team to coordinate planning the safety aspects of the event.
  • Planning meetings (minimum 1) in advance of the day of the event to identify foreseeable risks and create an Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP).
  • Identification of at least one person responsible for event safety. Ideally this person, safety coordinator, is soley dedicated to this task.
  • A risk assessment where hazards are identified and probablity of each hazard occurring considered. The risk assessment should contain solutions to possible scenarios for the hazards that would be most likely to occur.
  • Emergency number sheet and where it will be posted so it is both easily identifiable and accessible in case of a minor or major incident.
  • Safety communication for guests (i.e. messaging on social media or dedicated pages)



How will your event give back? This can be short but must be posted. If your event would like consideration for EMA endorsement, you must have a pre-approved policy by EMA. Contact us for more details.

All EMA endorsed events must have these policies in place before consideration of endorsement. Endorsement means we will share your event on our official social media accounts, newsletter, and possible press release*. If you are not seeking endorsement, these policies are still good suggestions for any event.


*Press releases require a fee at a our nonprofit rate. Contact us if interested.

All EMA endorsed events must have these policies in place before consideration of endorsement. Endorsement means we will share your event on our official social media accounts, newsletter, and possible press release*. If you are not seeking endorsement, these policies are still good suggestions for any event.